
  • To be owner of a file/folder.
  • OR to be manager of a file/folder.

Protect a file/folder

To protect your most sensible file/folders Lena can set a number of restrictions in the way they can be used.

Start by selecting the file/folder you want to protect then right click and select → Manage Access :

The Content Protection option can be activated at the top of the Access tab:

Default parameters are already defined, you can tune them by clicking on Show advanced options:

The protection parameters you can change are the following:

  1. Forbid offline access (enabled default) : forbids offline use of the file/folder.
  2. Forbid move file/folders to other places (enabled by default) : forbids files/folders from being moved outside of the folder in which they are protected (even if the stay in Lena). If disabled files/folders can be moved but only if the destination folder is another Lena's protected folder.
  3. Allow dedicated programs only (enabled by default) : enforces files to be opened only with their dedicated program (e.g., only Microsoft Excel for XLS(X) files, Adobe Reader for PDF files, etc.). You can disable this option to authorize all programs by default and add some restrictions (see after this list).
  4. When the Allow dedicated programs only option is activated, you can soften the restrictions by using the following options:
    • allow also copy in Windows Explorer (disabled by default): authorizes copy using the file explorer (e.g. to a local hard drive or a USB stick);
    • allow also navigators (Internet, webmail) (disabled by default): authorizes usage through a web browser (e.g. send an attached file in an email, send on a web sharing service…)
    • allow also mail clients (outlook…) (disabled by default): authorizes usage through an email client (for example, send an attached document via Microsoft Outlook).
  5. Disable link sharing (enabled by default): prevents link sharing (for downloads, upload and permanent access).

Finally, regarding program restrictions it is possible to move from a white list logic (only a dedicated application can open a given file type) to a black list logic by deactivating Allow dedicated programs only and enabling restrictions on specific types of applications:

  1. Forbid copy in Windows Explorer: prevents files from being copied/moved by the file manager (e.g. to a local hard drive or a USB stick).
  2. Forbid navigators (internet, webmail…): prevents files from being sent through a web browser (e.g. sent as an email attachment or through a file sharing web service).
  3. Forbid mail clients (outlook…): prevents files from being sent through an email client (e.g. sent as an email attachment with Microsoft Outlook).

Do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the Save button.